--- The First Time You Play ----------------------------
Double-click on the "Spaceway 2000™ (Demo)" file. When the game comes up, go first to the "Options" menu and select the "Adjust Memory…" item. A dialog box will come up allowing you to select how much memory you would like Spaceway 2000™ (Demo) to use. You select your monitor size and how many colors you will want to play Spaceway 2000™ (Demo) in (these two variables - monitor size and # of colors - are what determine the amount of memory required). If you don't see your monitor size listed you can enter it in the area in the lower left of the dialog box. Your suggested memory size is displayed at the bottom of the dialog. If you hit "Okay" and then "Quit" Spaceway 2000™ (Demo) it will have the proper amount of memory when you relaunch it.
Everything you need to know about playing the game is available from the Help menu.